AAP Flossing Survey

We all want a great smile, but are we doing enough to get it and keep it?
A new survey by the American Academy of Periodontology shows that Americans are caring for their teeth and gums by brushing and flossing, but they aren’t doing it consistently. This inconsistency puts them at risk for periodontal disease, also known as gum disease.

Only 7 percent of Americans name flossing as most important to their personal care routines when it comes to perfecting their smiles, revealing that adults can be better educated about healthy smiles and gums.

But there is good news. By brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day – every day – along with visiting a periodontist for a comprehensive periodontal exam, you can prevent periodontal disease before it wreaks havoc on your smile.
For more information visit perio.org or gumblr.org.