American Heritage Chocolate

If you’ve been to any of more than 200 American historical monuments—everything from George Washington’s Mt Vernon to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello—maybe you saw or even tasted AMERICAN HERITAGE® Chocolate. This unique and tasty treat just happens to be the result of a massive research effort, recipes from the 1700s, and a fun partnership to educate students about one of the sweetest parts of American history. Learn about the unique partnership between MARS, National Geographic Books and the not-for-profit FIRST BOOK organization.

EXPLAIN: How AMERICAN HERITAGE® interacts with historic monuments like Mt Vernon
NAT GEO: Books increasing awareness of the chocolate’s fascinating role in history
FIRST BOOK: Helping kids, making learning fun and how to get a free eBook
DID YOU KNOW: Fun facts about chocolate everyone should know
WHERE TO FIND A FREE DOWNLOAD: The Teachers Guide is available for download