Camping at KOA
The camping experience has changed, but the reasons why people camp has not. Americans love the great outdoors, evidenced by the 7 million new U.S. camping households added since 2014. Since launching the North American Camping Report five years ago, Kampgrounds of America (KOA) has measured the trends and what’s important to people who are taking a camping vacation. Learn what life stages prefer tents, RVs or Deluxe Cabins, and how those who camp are more diverse than the U.S. population.
From the wilderness, to the water park experience, campgrounds are catering to a wide array of campers. Toby O’Rourke, the first female President and CEO of Kampgrounds of America (KOA), shares how people can find a GREAT family outdoor sxperience at KOA.
CAMPING STATUS–Why the camping landscape is strong and more diverse than ever
GROWING TREND–Since 2014, the percentage of campers who camp three or more times annually has nearly doubled
MILLENNIALS–They report taking the most trips and nights spent camping and are substantially more likely to camp more often in 2019
DIVERSITY–Those new to camping are more diverse than the overall U.S. population and, in fact, half of the newest campers are from non-white groups