Intuit Quick Books Credit Where Credit’s Due
We all recognize the stars of a movie, but after every production–if you wait–you’ll see the credits scrolling by showing the hundreds of people who were a crucial part of creating the magic. These people include everything from the pianist, songwriters, grips, set decorators, wardrobe assistants and visual affects assistants.
But what people may not realize is that 85% of the production crew of
a typical movie are in fact self-employed or small business owners.
Wardrobe Assistant Eric Frazier and Pianist/Songwriter Alberto Bof are
both professionals with important roles as crewmembers for the movie, A
Star is Born, with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga.
Discover how these small business owners and many others add their talents to the global movie industry while running their own companies. They’ll also discuss their latest collaboration with Intuit QuickBooks and it’s ‘GIVING CREDIT WHERE CREDIT’S DUE’ Campaign to spotlight the contributions of hundreds of talented people behind-the- scenes.