Every day, people all over the world come to Facebook to connect with friends and family, as well as to build community with people who they may not know, but who share similar interests. Facebook is a community of more than two billion people who communicate and share across countries and cultures, and in dozens of languages. In June, Facebook announced a change to its mission: “to bring the world closer together.” This means providing tools and maintaining standards that help people build safe and supportive communities.

That’s why Facebook has a set of global Community Standards that explain what is and isn’t allowed on the service. Facebook’s head of content policy communications, Andrea Saul, discusses the company’s Community Standards, the rationale behind them, the process by which they were developed and the way they’re enforced. She will also discuss what we can do to help keep the Facebook community safe.

Here are five things you may not have known:

We have a community of more than 2 billion people that helps us enforce our standards. If someone shares something that is upsetting, we want to hear about it and remove it if it violates our policies, so we make it very easy for people to report content to us. People can report Pages, profiles, individual content, and/or comments by clicking the “Report” link at the top, right-hand corner of either the Page or the content.

You have control. We give people the tools to control what they see and who they interact with. If someone posts content that you disagree with or don’t like, you have the ability to block, unfollow or hide that user or the specific post(s) in question.

We have in-platform social resolution tools. In some cases, a photo or a video may not violate our Community Standards, but it’s something that you may not want on Facebook – for example, you might find it embarrassing or you might not want to share it publicly. In those instances, we have social resolution tools that give users the ability to send a message to the person who posted the image or video and ask them to take it down. In most cases, people will take things off Facebook if a friend asks them to.

Counter speech. More speech has long been recognized as the best response to speech we don’t like. If you see something that you disagree with, we encourage you to speak up and share your own perspective. The more diversity of opinion and thought that’s shared, the better.

Reach out to law enforcement when appropriate. If you see something that might require the authorities to intervene, reach out to law enforcement agencies or emergency services

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Related links:  Facebook Community Standards