Julie Loffredi Father’s Day Roundup
Julie Loffredi, a retail trends tracker for Brad’s Deals, joined Sasha Rionda to talk about what dads really want this holiday.
According to search data, magazine orders will likely be trending as publishers offer steep discounts to boost subscriptions. What’s also in hot demand? Anything for the grill, men’s clothing, sunglasses, workout gear, and electronics.
The website is also encouraging online shoppers to shop local this Father’s Day. Users can now search for local deals from participating retailers. It’s all part of the new “Loving the Locals” program from Brad’s Deals.
For more information, visit:
Brad’s Deals Father’s Day Gift Guide: bradsdeals.com/collections/gifts-for-dad
Brad’s Deals Loving the Locals: bradsdeals.com/loving-the-locals