Over 12 percent of Americans experience lactose intolerance, and mistakenly eliminate real dairy from their diet. Chef, author and registered Dietitian Toby Amidor will share how those with a lactose sensitivity can still enjoy dairy foods such as aged hard cheeses, like cheddar or Monterrey jack, yogurts with live cultures and low-lactose real milk.
Toby Amidor will demonstrate how to cook with milk, yogurt and cheese for those with lactose sensitivities and healthy living in mind. Toby’s tips can be found in her books, best-selling The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook and The Greek Yogurt Kitchen.
More about Toby Amidor:
Toby Amidor is a chef, registered dietitian, social influencer and author with more than 19 years of experience in the food and nutrition industry. Amidor specializes in developing delicious recipes that are also healthy and easy to prepare and has been the nutrition expert for FoodNetwork.com for 10 years.
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Related links: The Dairy Alliance